Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

Tong, 42, lived in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Chi­na. She had nev­er mar­ried be­cause of her busy work life. She worked as a head nurse in a hos­pi­tal and took care of pa­tients so well that she had no time to make friend­s…

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Yuan is a 54-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Wen­zhou, Zhe­jiang province. She was an En­glish teach­er when she was younger un­til she re­tired. S­ince then she spent ev­ery day read­ing at home…

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Ping is 53 years old. She is a busi­ness wo­m­an from Chi­na who nev­er thought she would find some­one to love un­til the mo­ment she met Richard. Richard lives in Hong Kong now and has a ten year old son…

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Mike is a typ­i­cal Amer­i­can man who worked hard and made mon­ey but he had still nev­er been mar­ried. He is now 62 years old and felt very lone­ly ev­ery day at home, so he signed up to the dat­ing site…

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Un­like most mid­dle-aged Chi­nese wo­m­en, Chenchen likes to com­mu­ni­cate on­line and she is very good at it. Since she di­vorced her hus­band, she has lived with her daugh­ter and spends her days cook­ing and chatt­ing…

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When her daugh­ter per­suad­ed Mei Han to sign up to the web­site, lit­tle did they know that al­most im­me­di­ate­ly Mei Han would meet Green and now they’re hap­pi­ly mar­ried. Her daugh­ter is very pleased too!

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Xue and John loved chatt­ing to each so much through the dat­ing site that when they met, they knew they had each found the love of their life. And now they are mar­ried and have a beau­ti­ful ba­by girl!

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Sa­muel and Xi­u­lan Wang met each other on the web­site. Sa­muel is a pho­to­g­ra­pher and he en­joys trav­el­ing around the world a lot. He said he had seen so much beau­ti­ful scen­ery but noth­ing com­pared with Xi­u­lan. He used to be…

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Wil­li­am and Xi­uwen met each other on our we­b­site. Wil­li­am is 50 years old and he owned an Amer­i­can fast food res­tau­rant. His busi­ness was very suc­cess­ful but, af­ter he suf­fered a heart at­tack, he de­cid­ed to re­tire and en­joy the rest of his life. Wil­li­am…

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Ethan and Fang start­ed talk­ing to each other two years ago and say they com­plete­ly fell for each other. Ethan is 70 years old and has a large fam­i­ly but, be­cause they live a long way from him, he felt very lone­ly a lot of the time. Ethan told us…

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To­day I would like to share our sto­ry with you. My name is Xi and I come from Chi­na which is a very nice coun­try. The man I met is called Ben and he is from France. Now he is my fiancé and soon I will go to France to live with him…

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Owen is from the USA and Wany­ing Zhao is from Shenyang in Chi­na. They met each other on our we­b­site and now they’re plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing. Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way. At first, Wany­ing didn’t know any En­glish at all so com­mu­ni­ca­tion…

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