Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

Sam and Kate tru­ly love each other and got mar­ried ear­li­er this year. Sam comes from the beau­ti­ful is­land of New Zea­land where he works as a uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor. he has a love­ly fam­i­ly of five chil­dren and six grandchil­dren…

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Li­ly and Tom met on our site and dat­ed for a few months be­fore they de­cid­ed to plan their wed­d­ing next year. Tom is from New York Ci­ty, USA and comes from a very well ed­u­cat­ed fam­i­ly with two old­er brothers and two younger sis­ter­s…

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Kevin is sin­gle fa­ther from Lon­don, UK with an 18 year old son. Al­though he has a big fam­i­ly, most of them live far away. He had been sin­gle since his wife left him 7 years ago and he felt very lone­ly so he was look­ing for a lov­ing Asian wife…

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Michael lives in Aus­tralia and is fa­ther to three kids. He has al­ways worked hard to sup­port his fam­i­ly but now he is ready to find a wo­m­an to love and to grow old with. He was re­al­ly hap­py when he found Ling on our site and start­ed to…

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Peth and Sha fell in love on our site and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried. Peth is from New York in the USA where he is very suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man and the fa­ther or four grown up kids. He was plan­n­ing to re­tire and want­ed to mar­ry a pret­ty…

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Richard is from Amer­i­ca but he has been teach­ing in Shang­hai for the last six years so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He has told us that he would like to find a Chi­nese wife…

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Jan and Juan meet on our site and soon they will be hap­pi­ly trav­elling around the world to­gether. Jan lives in Swe­den where he has a big fam­i­ly. He is now re­tired and ready to en­joy life with a wo­m­an. He had been fond of Chi­nese cul­ture…

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Tom and Li met on our site and they plan to get mar­ried at the end of this year. Tom was born in­to a big fam­i­ly with 5 kids who his par­ents loved a lot. He is now the fa­ther of three kids him­self. He is a very…

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As a tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese lady, Hai­hua was a lit­tle ner­vous about look­ing for love out­side her na­tive coun­try but now she is so glad she was brave be­cause she and Robert, from Aus­tralia, are soon to be mar­ried.

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An­drew and Lili fell in love on our site and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly to­gether in Lon­don. An­drew is a sin­gle hard work­ing man from Lon­don with a big fam­i­ly of four kids and six grandchil­dren. He is a very…

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Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age. Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many…

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John and Xi­u­juan met on our site and now they are plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing. John has been lone­ly for a long time in NYC, USA. He had a big fam­i­ly with two grown-up kids. He had visit­ed Chi­na when he was quite…

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