Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

Al­though Kai and Tom lived in dif­fer­ent coun­tries, they both knew they want­ed to end the lone­li­ness they felt and find some­one spe­cial to start a new life with. And that is just what hap­pened af­ter they met on this site!

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Mei and Gary were each hop­ing to find some­one to share their life with and are so glad they met on this site be­cause now Mei feels like a cher­ished princess ev­ery day and Gary has found hope, light, and love.

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Steve was weary of life and love af­ter his di­vorce but all that changed when he met Li on this site be­cause now they are mar­ried and she has brought light and hope to his life again.

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Di­vorced and with grown-up chil­dren, Don felt it was time to meet some­one to share his life with and he feels he was so lucky to find lone­ly Lu on this site be­cause now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried so nei­ther of them will ev­er be alone again.

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With his chil­dren now grown up, Frank felt it was time to find some­one to share the fu­ture with and he found that some­one spe­cial in Mei. Now they are so in love with each other and will soon be mar­ried.

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James and Liang had each been search­ing for their soul­mates for a long time but as soon as they saw each other on this site, it was love at first sight for both of them and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried!

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Tom and Juan were both lone­ly souls be­fore they were lucky enough to meet each other. Now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and de­light­ed that their new­born ba­by has joined their per­fect fam­i­ly.

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Ting and Tho­mas had both been di­vorced for sev­er­al years and were tired of be­ing alone but are now so hap­py they found each other on this site and know their lives are com­plete.

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Af­ter be­ing sin­gle for 12 years, Tim was so hap­py to find the love of his life on this site. Now he and Ling who is from Chi­na are mar­ried and now live to­gether in the USA.

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Al­though Jack and Lili had both been mar­ried be­fore, they still be­lieved that true love and a hap­py new life was wait­ing for them some­where. They are so glad they joined this site and found each other be­cause now they are plan­n­ing to be­come hus­band and wife!

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John joined our site a few years ago af­ter he had been sin­gle for a while and was tired of be­ing lone­ly. He told us that he loved Asian ladies and want­ed to find a lov­ing, ro­man­tic, faith­ful and kind wo­m­an who he would love and cher­ish ev­ery sin­gle day…

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Since Tim and Shasha found each other on our site, their life has been re­al­ly fan­tas­tic to­gether! Tim comes from the very pret­ty and ro­man­tic ci­ty of Paris and he him­self is al­so ro­man­tic and very at­trac­tive. he has four kids and eight…

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