Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

This is Rol­ly from the USA. He had been on our dat­ing site for some time where he had met a few ladies. He had of­ten been to Chi­na to meet ladies and each time he visit­ed, he had a very good feel­ing about Chi­na…

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Kang is from Chang­sha where she works at a school as an En­glish teach­er. She has told us that she comes from an or­d­i­nary fam­i­ly and that her par­ents are very tra­di­tio­n­al. Jack is from Ca­na­da and he joined…

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Qian Qian works as a cos­met­ics sales­per­son. She is a very easy go­ing and open mind­ed girl who loves to trav­el. Za­hir is from Viet­nam where he works as a sailor. He said he nev­er thought that he would find…

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Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere…

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Yu Mei, 46, lives in Foshan, Guang­­dong province and runs her own cloth­ing store. The monotony of her dai­­ly work made her feel very tired but af­ter work she had no one around to be with fol­low­ing her di­vorce…

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Tim is from Amer­i­ca but both his par­ents come from Chi­na. They emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca for­ty years ago and ev­ery year they go back to vis­it Chi­na to see their rel­a­tives. Tim is now work­ing for a trad­ing com­pany…

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Rui is a 36-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who is gener­ous, pas­sio­nate and cheer­ful and who loves do­ing house­work. She works as a sales ma­n­ag­er for a public com­pany and ev­ery­one around her prais­es her for her abil­i­ty…

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Xixi is from Chang­sha where she works as an En­glish teach­er for a school. She likes to try new things and be­lieves that love is amaz­ing. Hasan is from the Philip­pines where he works as a driv­er. He says…

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Mat­thew saw Juan Zhang’s pic­tures on the web­site and start­ed talk­ing to her straight away. Mat­thew is a chef and he’s very in­ter­est­ed in Chi­nese food. He used to be doubt­ful about on­line dat­ing but, when he saw…

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Mar­vin and Jing Wen start­ed talk­ing to each other on our web­site in 2014. Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way since then. At first, Jing Wen did­n’t even know how to speak En­glish so com­mu­ni­ca­tion was…

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Ying is an out­go­ing and ac­tive wo­m­an who ap­proach­es life with a pos­i­tive at­ti­tude. She be­lieves in fate and that if two peo­ple are not destined to be to­gether then their re­la­tion­ship will not last. Leo­nard is an Amer­i­can…

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Hong Wen is a 42-year-old tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Shi­ji­azhuang, He­bei province. Three years ago, she di­vorced her hus­band of 13 years and then came across Jim­my on the dat­ing site. Jim­my is a…

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