Asian single Lingli from Zoucheng, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55363
Age 24 Birthday 3 Dec 1999
Zodiac sign Sagittarius
Height 5' 6'' (1.67m)
Weight 99 Lbs (45 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation IT
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Zoucheng, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I like taking photos.


I count myself a strong person, a woman who does not give up, and never ask anyone for help. My nature does not allow me to betray people. A close person, relative, boyfriend or business partner - it doesn`t matter whom you are talking about, I will never betray him or use his weaknesses to achieve my own goals. You can rely on me in any business, you can trust me with any secret. Friendly and sociable, I am looking after myself, trying not to leave others with bad memories or impressions about me. I am happy to help everyone, never stay without friends and have a broad outlook. But I have one minus - I do everything just the way I see it, I am too stubborn. Such a person like me approach any business with due responsibility and applies the gift of fantasy everywhere. Having a good imagination, I can solve any task assigned to me in the most unforeseen way.

Lingli is searching for:

There is some type of people whom I will not let to become close to me, for example people who do not know their own worth, and those who are always asking everyone around for help. And I will never allow a person who does not inspire confidence to approach me. I am romantic and empathetic at heart. It is very important for me to know that I love and I am loved. I am not a supporter of fleeting intrigues, I am looking for my soul mate, a man with whom I will connect my life. My spouse will be a calm, respected and wealthy person. I really appreciate the attention of my chosen one, I love surprises from him. Any, even the smallest sign of attention on his part cause a storm of emotions in me. I do not ask about the help, though value if he will guess to help me himself. I hope we will both try to create coziness and comfort in our house.

Horoscope of Lingli from Zoucheng

Lingli is Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)<br><br>
	For the Sagittarian woman, happiness is directly related to how free she feels.  She can not 
	be confined or tied down. Lingli needs to have room to wander, room to play, room to make 
	mistakes. And she will make mistakes, but she will laugh them off, and because she learned 
	something, will never regret.
	She will be a genius in the kitchen, creative and inspired, and mealtimes will never be dull. 
	But from time to time, she will forget to make the bed because she gets so caught up in working 
	in the kitchen or the garden or somewhere else where she is engineering change. Lingli is 
	vivacious and imaginative, and your world will be a little brighter just by sharing it with 
	She will prove to be as impulsive and spontaneous in the bedroom as she is in the rest of 
	her life. When it comes to sex, the only dirty word as far as she is concerned is “routine”. 
	She will constantly expect the unexpected, and you will learn to as well, because nothing 
	happens quite like expected when she is around. It is nearly impossible to be bored or 
	unhappy when she is around. Contact Lingli from Zoucheng using services.
Lingli is Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)

For the Sagittarian woman, happiness is directly related to how free she feels. She can not be confined or tied down. Lingli needs to have room to wander, room to play, room to make mistakes. And she will make mistakes, but she will laugh them off, and because she learned something, will never regret.

She will be a genius in the kitchen, creative and inspired, and mealtimes will never be dull. But from time to time, she will forget to make the bed because she gets so caught up in working in the kitchen or the garden or somewhere else where she is engineering change. Lingli is vivacious and imaginative, and your world will be a little brighter just by sharing it with her.

She will prove to be as impulsive and spontaneous in the bedroom as she is in the rest of her life. When it comes to sex, the only dirty word as far as she is concerned is “routine”. She will constantly expect the unexpected, and you will learn to as well, because nothing happens quite like expected when she is around. It is nearly impossible to be bored or unhappy when she is around. Contact Lingli from Zoucheng using services.
Confirmed Profile
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