Asian single Jing from Aizhou, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55308
Age 26 Birthday 1 Mar 1998
Zodiac sign Pisces
Height 5' 3'' (1.59m)
Weight 95 Lbs (43 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Cosmetology
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Aizhou, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I love reading and writing. I like to enrich my inner world through reading and express my thoughts and emotions through writing. In addition, I also have a strong interest in history and culture, and like to learn about the cultural traditions and historical backgrounds of different countries and nations. At the same time, I am also an outdoor enthusiast, like hiking, rock climbing and other challenging activities.


I am a mature woman looking for a serious stable relationship that will lead to marriage. I am a loyal woman who knows what she wants in life with a very good education. I know how to please my true love man and give him love, understanding and affection, I’m willing to sacrifice everything for him and the future life if needed.

Jing is searching for:

I am looking for a friendly man dedicated to home who knows what he wants in life. I like romantic men, I do not care about age since that is not an impediment to anything. I do not ask for much just a man who knows how to give and receive love.

Horoscope of Jing from Aizhou

Jing is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)<br><br>
	The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that 
	there is something magical about her and you’re right. Jing is tremendously empathic, almost
	 to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even 
	 sure yourself.  
	Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of 
	her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Jing 
	will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they 
	will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.
	The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the 
	opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true 
	love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her 
	every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted 
	to you. Contact Jing from Aizhou using services.)
Jing is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that there is something magical about her and you’re right. Jing is tremendously empathic, almost to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even sure yourself.

Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Jing will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.

The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted to you. Contact Jing from Aizhou using services.)

Jing's Interview

My favorite music:
Classical music, especially piano concertos.
My favorite movie:
The Shawshank Redemption
My favorite sport:
My favorite flower:
My favorite season:
Spring, because all things come to life, everything is full of vitality.
My favorite color:
Blue, it makes me feel calm and relaxed.
My favorite fruit:
Strawberries, they're sweet and juicy.
My favorite holiday:
Christmas, because it is full of joy and the warmth of family.
Most of all I like...
What I like best study
Most of all I dislike...
What I dislike most is Prejudice and discrimination, which hinder understanding and respect between people.
I would like to go to...
Paris, a city full of romance and art
I dream about...
Become a photographer to capture the beautiful moments in your life and share them with the world.
What animal do I associate myself with?
Lions, because they are brave, confident, and have leadership.
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
I wanted to be... A pilot, flying a plane in the blue sky and white clouds.
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
A photo album made by my grandmother
The best place I've already been to...
Hawaii, where the sun, sand and waves make me feel the real joy of vacation.
What I would like to change in myself?
I wish I could be more patient and empathetic, and better understand and care for others.
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
I prefer to get up early, because the morning time makes me feel fresh and energetic.
Confirmed Profile
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