Asian single Xuanlin from Anbu, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55296
Age 26 Birthday 3 Aug 1998
Zodiac sign Leo
Height 5' 5'' (1.66m)
Weight 95 Lbs (43 kg)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Manager/Supervisor
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Anbu, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I have a keen interest in history and culture. I like reading history books and watching historical documentaries to learn about the development and evolution of different civilizations. At the same time, I also like to visit museums and historical sites, to personally feel the history and cultural charm.


I`m a lady who enjoys life, I`m a very charismatic, responsible and good woman, I`m a good talker and some people say I can be charming, I enjoy the time I spend with my friends. I want to create friendship that will lead to marriage. I do not think a language is a barrier, I am learning English all the time and my English is good.

Xuanlin is searching for:

Partners must learn to listen to each other. I think that there is no ideal relationship - there is no perfect love at first sight. True love is a long process of understanding each other, reducing one`s own ego, and learning to feel compassion. When you try to better understand a person, you simultaneously learn to better understand yourself. And then, when you are both old, you recall all the years that you spent with love and gratitude for all these magical moments.

Horoscope of Xuanlin from Anbu

Xuanlin is a Leo (July 24th – August 23rd)<br /><br />The Leo woman is naturally drawn to the spotlight, and Xuanlin is no exception. With an innate ability to navigate any situation with grace and charm, she effortlessly captivates those around her. As a hostess, she is truly exceptional, always rising to the occasion to entertain with impeccable manners and a welcoming presence. Her outgoing nature and gift for conversation make her a social magnet, forming connections wherever she goes — though she reserves her inner circle for a select few.<br /><br />Xuanlin carries herself with regal confidence, expecting to be treated like the queen she knows she is. This expectation is never burdensome, as her commanding presence makes it feel entirely natural. Strong-willed and future-focused, she is willing to make any necessary sacrifices today to secure happiness tomorrow. Once Xuanlin gives her word, she stands by it unwaveringly, and she never disappoints those she holds dear.<br /><br />Radiating elegance and charm, Xuanlin remains attractive and well-groomed at all times — even when doing nothing at all. Yet, winning her affection is no simple feat. She knows her own worth and won't be easily swayed, requiring genuine effort and dedication. But when she finally surrenders to love, the reward is that much sweeter for the anticipation it builds.<br /><br />Reach out to Xuanlin from Anbu, China through and discover the magnetic allure of a true Leo woman.
Xuanlin is a Leo (July 24th – August 23rd)

The Leo woman is naturally drawn to the spotlight, and Xuanlin is no exception. With an innate ability to navigate any situation with grace and charm, she effortlessly captivates those around her. As a hostess, she is truly exceptional, always rising to the occasion to entertain with impeccable manners and a welcoming presence. Her outgoing nature and gift for conversation make her a social magnet, forming connections wherever she goes — though she reserves her inner circle for a select few.

Xuanlin carries herself with regal confidence, expecting to be treated like the queen she knows she is. This expectation is never burdensome, as her commanding presence makes it feel entirely natural. Strong-willed and future-focused, she is willing to make any necessary sacrifices today to secure happiness tomorrow. Once Xuanlin gives her word, she stands by it unwaveringly, and she never disappoints those she holds dear.

Radiating elegance and charm, Xuanlin remains attractive and well-groomed at all times — even when doing nothing at all. Yet, winning her affection is no simple feat. She knows her own worth and won't be easily swayed, requiring genuine effort and dedication. But when she finally surrenders to love, the reward is that much sweeter for the anticipation it builds.

Reach out to Xuanlin from Anbu, China through and discover the magnetic allure of a true Leo woman.
Confirmed Profile
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