Asian single Shulin from Anbu, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55290
Age 25 Birthday 14 Oct 1999
Zodiac sign Libra
Height 5' 4'' (1.62m)
Weight 99 Lbs (45 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Police
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Anbu, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I love to write and create, whether it is fiction, prose or poetry, I love to experiment. Through writing, I can express my thoughts and emotions and also share my story with others. Besides, I am also a person who likes listening to music and watching dance performances.


If you are ready for serious communication, if you are ready to communicate not only here, but also to have the relationship in reality! Then you should know a few things about me! 1st - I`m not here to play games 2nd - I`m not here just to chat and letters 3rd - I`m looking for a man who is ready to meet.

Shulin is searching for:

I know what qualities I want my future partner to have, but also I know that perfect people do not exsist! I I wish to meet a man who will look firstly into my eyes and not lower! And the last thing please remember, beauty can't stay forever, so I wish to meet someone who might fall in love with my soul, not my body!

Horoscope of Shulin from Anbu

Shulin is a Libra (September 24th – October 23rd).<br /><br />The Libra woman has an effortless ability to see the good in everyone around her. Her trusting nature, at times, might make her appear a little naive. Shulin believes in destiny, true love, and that happiness is always just within reach. Her optimism is infectious, and she finds beauty in every corner of the world. Her gentle and charming nature makes her a joy to be around.<br /><br />Shulin is never rude or overbearing, though she may not handle criticism well. Guided by her emotions, she can sometimes overreact when things don’t go as planned. However, her tears fade quickly when she’s comforted or complimented. She has a soft spot for flowers, candy, and all the delightful gestures of romance.<br /><br />A Libra woman expects her partner to “complete” her, and once committed, she is all in — both emotionally and in action. Loyalty is key, and she won’t stray in thought or deed. She loves being courted and firmly believes that chivalry is far from dead. She will give her all to her partner, both in and out of the bedroom, and if you’re up for it, you’ll never be more fulfilled.<br /><br /> Reach out to Shulin from Anbu, China via
Shulin is a Libra (September 24th – October 23rd).

The Libra woman has an effortless ability to see the good in everyone around her. Her trusting nature, at times, might make her appear a little naive. Shulin believes in destiny, true love, and that happiness is always just within reach. Her optimism is infectious, and she finds beauty in every corner of the world. Her gentle and charming nature makes her a joy to be around.

Shulin is never rude or overbearing, though she may not handle criticism well. Guided by her emotions, she can sometimes overreact when things don’t go as planned. However, her tears fade quickly when she’s comforted or complimented. She has a soft spot for flowers, candy, and all the delightful gestures of romance.

A Libra woman expects her partner to “complete” her, and once committed, she is all in — both emotionally and in action. Loyalty is key, and she won’t stray in thought or deed. She loves being courted and firmly believes that chivalry is far from dead. She will give her all to her partner, both in and out of the bedroom, and if you’re up for it, you’ll never be more fulfilled.

Reach out to Shulin from Anbu, China via

Shulin's Interview

My favorite music:
A mix of jazz and rock, especially music that is energetic and creative.
My favorite movie:
Interstellar, it takes me to explore the deep and unknown mysteries of the universe.
My favorite sport:
Mountain climbing
My favorite flower:
My favorite season:
Spring, because all things come to life, everything is full of vitality.
My favorite color:
Blue, it makes me feel calm and relaxed.
My favorite fruit:
My favorite holiday:
Mid-Autumn Festival, I like to enjoy the full moon with my family, eat moon cakes and share stories.
Most of all I like...
to study
Most of all I dislike...
What I dislike most is Prejudice and discrimination, which hinder understanding and respect between people.
I would like to go to...
Travel to Italy, taste authentic pizza and pasta, and admire the ruins of ancient Rome.
I dream about...
Becoming a photographer to capture the beautiful moments and share them with the world.
What animal do I associate myself with?
Lions, because they are brave, confident, and have leadership.
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
I wanted to be... A pilot, flying a plane in the blue sky and white clouds.
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
a dog
The best place I've already been to...
What I would like to change in myself?
Greater focus on a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
I prefer to get up early, because the morning time makes me feel fresh and energetic.
Confirmed Profile
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