Asian single Xiaoli from Anji, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 54918
Age 53 Birthday 1 May 1971
Zodiac sign Taurus
Height 5' 3'' (1.61m)
Weight 114 Lbs (52 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Supervisor
Education Some college
Marital Status Divorced
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Anji, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I have a unique hobby, which is traveling around the world. I am passionate about uncovering the veil of unknown regions and experiencing the unique cultural landscapes of different places firsthand. If you also have a special fondness for travel, I am full of anticipation and hope to have the opportunity to walk hand in hand with you and unveil the mysterious veil of this world together.


I consider myself a unique woman who combines all my strengths and weaknesses. The ups and downs of life have made me deeply understand that no matter what the situation is, maintaining an optimistic and upward attitude is crucial. I long for a harmonious and unified life, and in my opinion, the key to achieving this vision is to find a soulmate who can fill all aspects of my life with satisfaction.

Xiaoli is searching for:

I embarked on this journey with the aim of meeting the partner who resonates with my soul! This special person will resonate with my core interests and aspirations. For me, it is crucial to uphold a positive and healthy attitude towards life together. Therefore, I hope you are ready to embrace the tranquility of yoga with me in the morning light. I long to join hands with a wise person who can become a catalyst for my daily growth and inspire me to become a better version of myself. You don`t need to be omnipotent, but when I am with you, I hope to deeply feel the softness and strength of being a woman. The life I long for is a splendid picture filled with love, positive energy, and passion!

Horoscope of Xiaoli from Anji

Xiaoli is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)<br><br>
	Horoscope describes Xiaoli as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something 
	(or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal.  This is very little that 
	will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Xiaoli and she may seem somewhat 
	old-fashioned at first.
	It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of 
	the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere 
	compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than 
	insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the 
	potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.  
	Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong 
	sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she 
	can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical 
	affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Xiaoli from Anji using services.
Xiaoli is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)

Horoscope describes Xiaoli as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something (or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal. This is very little that will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Xiaoli and she may seem somewhat old-fashioned at first.

It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.

Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Xiaoli from Anji using services.
Confirmed Profile
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