Asian single Qing from Shuangyashan, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 54739
Age 52 Birthday 4 May 1972
Zodiac sign Taurus
Height 5' 8'' (1.72m)
Weight 125 Lbs (57 kg)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Buddhist
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Shuangyashan, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Photography and travel.


Understanding, warm and generous.

Qing is searching for:

People always need friends and company, but good friends are hard to find, so I am looking for a person who is really suitable for me to be my best friend and accompany each other.

Horoscope of Qing from Shuangyashan

Qing is a Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)<br /><br />Qing is a loyal and dedicated woman who invests all her energy into achieving her goals once she sets her sights on something — or someone. She is determined and steadfast, rarely swayed from her path. Guided by strong moral values, Qing may come across as a bit old-fashioned at first, but her integrity and commitment are truly admirable.<br /><br />Winning the heart of a Taurus woman like Qing is no easy task. Though she appreciates the company of the opposite sex, it takes something truly special to convince her to take that leap into a relationship. While sincere compliments might catch her attention, nothing will drive her away faster than insincerity. When it comes to love, Qing is cautious and thoughtful, carefully considering every possibility before making a commitment.<br /><br />However, once she gives her heart, she does so wholeheartedly. Despite her strong sex drive, fidelity is never in question for Qing — she believes in having one true love and is completely devoted to that person. Sensual and naturally affectionate, she prefers to wait for her partner to make the first move, rather than offering her physical affections freely.<br /><br />Connect with Qing from Shuangyashan, China through to experience the unwavering devotion of a Taurus woman.
Qing is a Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)

Qing is a loyal and dedicated woman who invests all her energy into achieving her goals once she sets her sights on something — or someone. She is determined and steadfast, rarely swayed from her path. Guided by strong moral values, Qing may come across as a bit old-fashioned at first, but her integrity and commitment are truly admirable.

Winning the heart of a Taurus woman like Qing is no easy task. Though she appreciates the company of the opposite sex, it takes something truly special to convince her to take that leap into a relationship. While sincere compliments might catch her attention, nothing will drive her away faster than insincerity. When it comes to love, Qing is cautious and thoughtful, carefully considering every possibility before making a commitment.

However, once she gives her heart, she does so wholeheartedly. Despite her strong sex drive, fidelity is never in question for Qing — she believes in having one true love and is completely devoted to that person. Sensual and naturally affectionate, she prefers to wait for her partner to make the first move, rather than offering her physical affections freely.

Connect with Qing from Shuangyashan, China through to experience the unwavering devotion of a Taurus woman.

Qing's Interview

My favorite music:
rock and roll
My favorite movie:
Roman holiday
My favorite sport:
My favorite flower:
My favorite season:
My favorite color:
My favorite fruit:
My favorite holiday:
Spring Festival
Most of all I like...
Most of all I dislike...
I would like to go to...
I dream about...
travelling around the world
What animal do I associate myself with?
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
The best place I've already been to...
What I would like to change in myself?
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
go to bed early
Confirmed Profile
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