Asian single Yi from Chengdu, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 53054
Age 24 Birthday 7 Sep 2000
Zodiac sign Virgo
Height 5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight 101 Lbs (46 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* good
Religion Not religious
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Chengdu, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Reading, listening to music, dancing, traveling, swimming. Also I like gardening and going to cinema.


I am a kind-hearted, pretty lady. I have a lot of love inside I want to share.

Yi is searching for:

I want to have someone special to cuddle up with me at night. I want to find a good, kind, honest man with a good inner world. I hope he has a good sense of humor.

Horoscope of Yi from Chengdu

Yi is Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd)<br /><br />Yi embodies the qualities of a classic Virgo woman — shy, modest, and naturally graceful. Though reserved, she is far from prudish; she simply values propriety and dignity in every aspect of her life. Her manners are impeccable, her speech is gentle, and she carries herself with an understated elegance that leaves a lasting impression.<br /><br />Her home reflects her personality — neat, organized, and meticulously maintained. Yi finds comfort in order and takes pride in creating a peaceful environment. Hard work doesn’t intimidate her, and she approaches every task with dedication and care. As a natural caretaker, she is wonderful with children, whether they are her own or someone else’s, and avoids conflict whenever possible, yielding gracefully to reasonable requests.<br /><br />In matters of love, Yi may not openly express her desires, as she tends to keep her feelings guarded. Yet, beneath her reserved nature lies a deep capacity for affection and intimacy. An attentive lover who pays attention to the little things will find her quietly passionate and deeply appreciative. She values tenderness and thoughtful gestures, even if she doesn’t always voice her needs directly.<br /><br />Connect with Yi from Chengdu, China through and discover the gentle, caring nature of a Virgo woman.
Yi is Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd)

Yi embodies the qualities of a classic Virgo woman — shy, modest, and naturally graceful. Though reserved, she is far from prudish; she simply values propriety and dignity in every aspect of her life. Her manners are impeccable, her speech is gentle, and she carries herself with an understated elegance that leaves a lasting impression.

Her home reflects her personality — neat, organized, and meticulously maintained. Yi finds comfort in order and takes pride in creating a peaceful environment. Hard work doesn’t intimidate her, and she approaches every task with dedication and care. As a natural caretaker, she is wonderful with children, whether they are her own or someone else’s, and avoids conflict whenever possible, yielding gracefully to reasonable requests.

In matters of love, Yi may not openly express her desires, as she tends to keep her feelings guarded. Yet, beneath her reserved nature lies a deep capacity for affection and intimacy. An attentive lover who pays attention to the little things will find her quietly passionate and deeply appreciative. She values tenderness and thoughtful gestures, even if she doesn’t always voice her needs directly.

Connect with Yi from Chengdu, China through and discover the gentle, caring nature of a Virgo woman.
Confirmed Profile
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