Asian single Hongying from Beijing, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 52729
Age 29 Birthday 20 Dec 1995
Zodiac sign Sagittarius
Height 5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight 110 Lbs (50 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Medical
Education University
Marital Status Single
Level of English* good
Religion Other
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Beijing, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Reading, shopping, hiking and cooking.


I am friendly, easy-going, sweet and kind.

Hongying is searching for:

I want to meet a kind, honest and responsible man.

Horoscope of Hongying from Beijing

Hongying is a Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st).<br /><br />For the Sagittarian woman, happiness is all about freedom. She cannot be confined or held down. Hongying needs the space to explore, play, and make mistakes. And while she will make her share of mistakes, she’ll laugh them off, learning from each one without any regrets.<br /><br />She’s a culinary genius, full of creativity and inspiration, ensuring that mealtimes are always exciting. However, she might occasionally forget to make the bed because she’s so absorbed in her work, whether it’s in the kitchen, garden, or elsewhere where she’s sparking change. Hongying is lively and imaginative, and simply sharing her world will make yours brighter.<br /><br />In the bedroom, Hongying’s spontaneity and impulsiveness mirror her approach to life. The only “dirty word” for her is “routine.” Expect the unexpected, as she always keeps things fresh and exciting. With Hongying around, boredom or unhappiness are almost impossible.<br /><br />Reach out to Hongying from Beijing, China via
Hongying is a Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st).

For the Sagittarian woman, happiness is all about freedom. She cannot be confined or held down. Hongying needs the space to explore, play, and make mistakes. And while she will make her share of mistakes, she’ll laugh them off, learning from each one without any regrets.

She’s a culinary genius, full of creativity and inspiration, ensuring that mealtimes are always exciting. However, she might occasionally forget to make the bed because she’s so absorbed in her work, whether it’s in the kitchen, garden, or elsewhere where she’s sparking change. Hongying is lively and imaginative, and simply sharing her world will make yours brighter.

In the bedroom, Hongying’s spontaneity and impulsiveness mirror her approach to life. The only “dirty word” for her is “routine.” Expect the unexpected, as she always keeps things fresh and exciting. With Hongying around, boredom or unhappiness are almost impossible.

Reach out to Hongying from Beijing, China via

Hongying's Interview

My favorite music:
Classic music, love music
My favorite movie:
Action movies and scientific movies
My favorite sport:
swimming and running
My favorite flower:
sunflower and rose
My favorite season:
Spring and Summer
My favorite color:
Red and blue
My favorite fruit:
strawberry and blueberry
My favorite holiday:
Valentine's Day and New Year
Most of all I like...
Most of all I dislike...
wasting time
I would like to go to...
I dream about...
Be an angel
What animal do I associate myself with?
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
The best place I've already been to...
What I would like to change in myself?
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
Confirmed Profile
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