Asian single Miaoyu from Changde, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 52631
Age 30 Birthday 7 Oct 1994
Zodiac sign Libra
Height 5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight 108 Lbs (49 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* good
Religion Not religious
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Changde, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I like traveling to see new places. I am fond of going to musuems. I enjoy listening to music and going to music concerts often. I like nice cars and to drive fast. I adore the feeling when wind blows my hair. I like beaches. I am also interested in reading, golf, movies.


I am a sweet and nice lady, hard-working, independent, kind.

Miaoyu is searching for:

I wish I could have someone special to share my hobbies. I am looking forward to meeting an open-minded, mature, polite, understanding man for a serious and enjoyable relationship, possibly leading to marriage.

Horoscope of Miaoyu from Changde

Miaoyu is a Libra (September 24th – October 23rd).<br /><br />The Libra woman has an effortless ability to see the good in everyone around her. Her trusting nature, at times, might make her appear a little naive. Miaoyu believes in destiny, true love, and that happiness is always just within reach. Her optimism is infectious, and she finds beauty in every corner of the world. Her gentle and charming nature makes her a joy to be around.<br /><br />Miaoyu is never rude or overbearing, though she may not handle criticism well. Guided by her emotions, she can sometimes overreact when things don’t go as planned. However, her tears fade quickly when she’s comforted or complimented. She has a soft spot for flowers, candy, and all the delightful gestures of romance.<br /><br />A Libra woman expects her partner to “complete” her, and once committed, she is all in — both emotionally and in action. Loyalty is key, and she won’t stray in thought or deed. She loves being courted and firmly believes that chivalry is far from dead. She will give her all to her partner, both in and out of the bedroom, and if you’re up for it, you’ll never be more fulfilled.<br /><br /> Reach out to Miaoyu from Changde, China via
Miaoyu is a Libra (September 24th – October 23rd).

The Libra woman has an effortless ability to see the good in everyone around her. Her trusting nature, at times, might make her appear a little naive. Miaoyu believes in destiny, true love, and that happiness is always just within reach. Her optimism is infectious, and she finds beauty in every corner of the world. Her gentle and charming nature makes her a joy to be around.

Miaoyu is never rude or overbearing, though she may not handle criticism well. Guided by her emotions, she can sometimes overreact when things don’t go as planned. However, her tears fade quickly when she’s comforted or complimented. She has a soft spot for flowers, candy, and all the delightful gestures of romance.

A Libra woman expects her partner to “complete” her, and once committed, she is all in — both emotionally and in action. Loyalty is key, and she won’t stray in thought or deed. She loves being courted and firmly believes that chivalry is far from dead. She will give her all to her partner, both in and out of the bedroom, and if you’re up for it, you’ll never be more fulfilled.

Reach out to Miaoyu from Changde, China via
Confirmed Profile
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