Asian single Wei from Changsha, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 52620
Age 35 Birthday 16 Nov 1989
Zodiac sign Scorpio
Height 5' 6'' (1.68m)
Weight 106 Lbs (48 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* good
Religion Not religious
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Changsha, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Music, dancing, movies, traveling, nice cars, golf.


I`m young, energetic, elegant and romantic. I am positive in life. I like outdoor activities. I have a lot of love and care. I want to have someone to share everything together. I want to be surrounded by love every day.

Wei is searching for:

I like enthusiastic, cheerful and humorous men.

Horoscope of Wei from Changsha

Wei is a Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd).<br /><br />The Scorpio woman exudes intensity and mystery. From the moment you lay eyes on her, she’ll be impossible to forget. Wei surrounds herself with an air of secrecy and seriousness. Getting to know her is no easy task — she’s indifferent to your jokes and will avoid answering questions she deems unimportant. However, for those who are persistent, the rewards of breaking through her walls are certainly worth the effort.<br /><br />Once Wei opens up, she proves to be an incredible companion. She’s hardworking, dedicated, and relentless when pursuing any goal, whether it’s hers or yours. Unstoppable in nature, she’s always focused on the prize and will take you along on the journey to all the amazing places she’s destined to go.<br /><br />As if that weren’t impressive enough, she’s also a passionate lover. Attentive and curious, Wei is eager to explore every aspect of intimacy. No experience is off-limits in her eyes, and, as with everything she does, she’s fully committed to ensuring pleasure for both herself and her partner.<br /><br />Reach out to Wei from Changsha, China through
Wei is a Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd).

The Scorpio woman exudes intensity and mystery. From the moment you lay eyes on her, she’ll be impossible to forget. Wei surrounds herself with an air of secrecy and seriousness. Getting to know her is no easy task — she’s indifferent to your jokes and will avoid answering questions she deems unimportant. However, for those who are persistent, the rewards of breaking through her walls are certainly worth the effort.

Once Wei opens up, she proves to be an incredible companion. She’s hardworking, dedicated, and relentless when pursuing any goal, whether it’s hers or yours. Unstoppable in nature, she’s always focused on the prize and will take you along on the journey to all the amazing places she’s destined to go.

As if that weren’t impressive enough, she’s also a passionate lover. Attentive and curious, Wei is eager to explore every aspect of intimacy. No experience is off-limits in her eyes, and, as with everything she does, she’s fully committed to ensuring pleasure for both herself and her partner.

Reach out to Wei from Changsha, China through
Confirmed Profile
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