Asian single Yichun (Susie) from Nanning, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 51629
Age 54 Birthday 8 Feb 1971
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Height 5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight 119 Lbs (54 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Divorced
Level of English* good
Religion Not religious
Children daughter, 26 y.o.
Plans Children No
Residence Nanning, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Cooking, reading, traveling, movies, nature


I am a tender, warm-hearted lady who knows well what she wants in life, who can dream and can also reach her goals. My ex-husband left me without telling me but life taught me to be strong, but at the same time I didn`t forget about being a lady, being romantic and dreamy. I like to smile and to laugh. I have very strong values, I am not afraid of life responsibilities and I am not a lazy person, I am ready for needed efforts in the relationships. I am a creative person and it is reflected in my professional life. I like improving my home and making it cozy and comfortable. It is also great to enjoy a calm home environment, to read a book, listen to music, watch a movie or favorite program, but if I would do this with you and enjoy our romance doing them, that would be my biggest dream come true.

Yichun (Susie) is searching for:

Someone who is self-confident, kind, loving, caring, romantic, and trustworthy, with the big heart in which I will be there only! A real man to be in good and bad times, in excitement and sorrows, in laughter and in tears.

Horoscope of Yichun (Susie) from Nanning

Yichun (Susie) is an Aquarius (January 21st – February 19th)<br /><br />An Aquarian woman is defined by her intellect and curiosity, and Yichun (Susie) is no exception. She will captivate you from the start with her innovative ideas and the passion with which she shares them. Always eager to introduce you to new experiences, she thrives on exploring fresh perspectives. Yichun (Susie)’s sharp mind allows her to navigate social settings effortlessly, never showing a hint of nervousness or discomfort. An active social life is essential to her well-being, as she draws energy from connecting with others.<br /><br />Life with Yichun (Susie) is anything but mundane. Although she has a love for reading and knowledge, she also craves real-world experiences and adventures. Her compassionate nature drives her to contribute to humanitarian causes, often dedicating her time to volunteer work. However, her loyalty to her family and loved ones always comes first — she prioritizes their happiness and security above all else.<br />When it comes to love and intimacy, Yichun (Susie) is undeniably faithful. The challenge, however, lies in capturing her attention amid her whirlwind of thoughts and pursuits. It’s not that she lacks passion or sensuality; it’s just that her mind is constantly engaged with other ideas and endeavors. A gentle whisper or thoughtful conversation is often enough to rekindle her romantic side. Remember, to truly win her heart, you must first captivate her mind.<br /><br />Reach out to Yichun (Susie) from Nanning, China through and discover the unique charm and depth of an Aquarian woman.
Yichun (Susie) is an Aquarius (January 21st – February 19th)

An Aquarian woman is defined by her intellect and curiosity, and Yichun (Susie) is no exception. She will captivate you from the start with her innovative ideas and the passion with which she shares them. Always eager to introduce you to new experiences, she thrives on exploring fresh perspectives. Yichun (Susie)’s sharp mind allows her to navigate social settings effortlessly, never showing a hint of nervousness or discomfort. An active social life is essential to her well-being, as she draws energy from connecting with others.

Life with Yichun (Susie) is anything but mundane. Although she has a love for reading and knowledge, she also craves real-world experiences and adventures. Her compassionate nature drives her to contribute to humanitarian causes, often dedicating her time to volunteer work. However, her loyalty to her family and loved ones always comes first — she prioritizes their happiness and security above all else.
When it comes to love and intimacy, Yichun (Susie) is undeniably faithful. The challenge, however, lies in capturing her attention amid her whirlwind of thoughts and pursuits. It’s not that she lacks passion or sensuality; it’s just that her mind is constantly engaged with other ideas and endeavors. A gentle whisper or thoughtful conversation is often enough to rekindle her romantic side. Remember, to truly win her heart, you must first captivate her mind.

Reach out to Yichun (Susie) from Nanning, China through and discover the unique charm and depth of an Aquarian woman.
Confirmed Profile
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