Asian single Jiemei (Mary) from Nanning, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 51604
Age 52 Birthday 20 Aug 1972
Zodiac sign Leo
Height 5' 3'' (1.60m)
Weight 110 Lbs (50 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Sales
Education College
Marital Status Divorced
Level of English* fluent
Religion Not religious
Children son, 24 y.o.
Plans Children No
Residence Nanning, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Reading, Knitting, Traveling, Cinema


I am a cheerful lady without bad habits. I am a kind, attentive, reliable, and sociable person. Therefore, I have a lot of friends. They know, that they can always rely on me or simply have a good time together. I feel comfortable in my own skin. Being a warm and open person I appreciate openness and honesty in people. I am not a complicated person. I have love and respect for people. I like to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere at home, but I miss a man to give my love; to feel loved and desirable.

Jiemei (Mary) is searching for:

I hope to meet a decent and sincere man. He is able to compromise in order to find a reasonable solution to the problem. He is strong enough to be my stronghold and refuge. He definitely knows what he wants from life. I am looking for a man who values family and can be supportive and protective. He is caring, attentive, kind, and generous. He knows when to have fun and when to be responsible. I see him as reliable and faithful. He is leading an active way of life, likes sport and being in nature. I want my true man to be romantic.

Horoscope of Jiemei (Mary) from Nanning

Jiemei (Mary) is a Leo (July 24th – August 23rd)<br /><br />The Leo woman is naturally drawn to the spotlight, and Jiemei (Mary) is no exception. With an innate ability to navigate any situation with grace and charm, she effortlessly captivates those around her. As a hostess, she is truly exceptional, always rising to the occasion to entertain with impeccable manners and a welcoming presence. Her outgoing nature and gift for conversation make her a social magnet, forming connections wherever she goes — though she reserves her inner circle for a select few.<br /><br />Jiemei (Mary) carries herself with regal confidence, expecting to be treated like the queen she knows she is. This expectation is never burdensome, as her commanding presence makes it feel entirely natural. Strong-willed and future-focused, she is willing to make any necessary sacrifices today to secure happiness tomorrow. Once Jiemei (Mary) gives her word, she stands by it unwaveringly, and she never disappoints those she holds dear.<br /><br />Radiating elegance and charm, Jiemei (Mary) remains attractive and well-groomed at all times — even when doing nothing at all. Yet, winning her affection is no simple feat. She knows her own worth and won't be easily swayed, requiring genuine effort and dedication. But when she finally surrenders to love, the reward is that much sweeter for the anticipation it builds.<br /><br />Reach out to Jiemei (Mary) from Nanning, China through and discover the magnetic allure of a true Leo woman.
Jiemei (Mary) is a Leo (July 24th – August 23rd)

The Leo woman is naturally drawn to the spotlight, and Jiemei (Mary) is no exception. With an innate ability to navigate any situation with grace and charm, she effortlessly captivates those around her. As a hostess, she is truly exceptional, always rising to the occasion to entertain with impeccable manners and a welcoming presence. Her outgoing nature and gift for conversation make her a social magnet, forming connections wherever she goes — though she reserves her inner circle for a select few.

Jiemei (Mary) carries herself with regal confidence, expecting to be treated like the queen she knows she is. This expectation is never burdensome, as her commanding presence makes it feel entirely natural. Strong-willed and future-focused, she is willing to make any necessary sacrifices today to secure happiness tomorrow. Once Jiemei (Mary) gives her word, she stands by it unwaveringly, and she never disappoints those she holds dear.

Radiating elegance and charm, Jiemei (Mary) remains attractive and well-groomed at all times — even when doing nothing at all. Yet, winning her affection is no simple feat. She knows her own worth and won't be easily swayed, requiring genuine effort and dedication. But when she finally surrenders to love, the reward is that much sweeter for the anticipation it builds.

Reach out to Jiemei (Mary) from Nanning, China through and discover the magnetic allure of a true Leo woman.
Confirmed Profile
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