Asian single Iryna from Kiev, Ukraine personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 50500
Age 53 Birthday 9 Nov 1971
Zodiac sign Scorpio
Height 5' 7'' (1.70m)
Weight 125 Lbs (57 kg)
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Brown
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Socially
Occupation Business Owner
Education University
Marital Status Divorced
Level of English* basic
Religion Christian
Children daughter, 35 y.o.
son, 28 y.o.
Plans Children Undecided
Residence Kiev, Ukraine
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I like reading, and when I am in the right mood and the muse comes to me, I write poetry and short stories. Traveling, which is closely connected with the history of the places marked on the map, excites me the most! I enjoy visiting places, which have a historic and cultural heritage; museums, theatres, and galleries with works by modern artists are the places that bring me inspiration and pleasure. I do my best to find the time for an active lifestyle - dancing and cycling are the things I do almost every day! Apart from art and sport I am into making my home and everything around it cozier and `warmer` - I am into making bread and planting trees.


I am the woman who knows what she wants, for whom self-determination and self-sufficiency are not just words, but keys to existence. I am strong, respectful, sensitive, loving and generous in feelings. Independency and at the same time being committed is something, that I will pleasantly do in the relationship with a beloved man. I am interesting, fun to be with and it`s easy for me to keep the ball rolling - as I always try to improve my knowledge in different spheres of life. Femininity, tenderness, the warmth of character and the ability to be near are the qualities that are present in me

Iryna is searching for:

I would be happy to meet someone, who I will finally be able to regard with admiration… It will be so delightful to finally be with someone, who will be the real `peak`, a mountain, that I will be looking at, throwing my back head and happily squinting… not because of his physical height, but because of his moral and mental dignities. It will make me the happiest woman in the world to find someone who will appreciate my independence in the choice of style, job, and friends. I want to be with someone, who will want to advise, talk, listen and express his counterarguments, who will be able to convince me and reach a consensus together. I hope my chosen one will be independent, self-sufficient, caring, and loving, the one, who will never forget that I like dark chocolate and sunsets… the one, who will enjoy holding hands, being silent together - just because we will understand each other even not saying anything.

Horoscope of Iryna from Kiev

Iryna is Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd)<br><br>
	The Scorpio woman is intense and mysterious. From the first moment you lay eyes on her, you 
	won’t be able to get her out of your mind. Iryna surrounds herself with secrecy and seriousness. 
	Getting to know the Scorpio woman is a challenge all on its own – she will be impervious to your 
	jokes, and will avoid answering any questions that she doesn’t feel are important.  Of course, 
	none of this will deter the ardent admirer, and he will certainly be rewarded for his tenacity.
	Because the Scorpio woman, once Iryna is persuaded to open up to you, is an amazing companion.  
	She is hard-working, dedicated, and tireless when trying to achieve any goal, be it yours or 
	her own. In short, she is unstoppable, always has her eye on the prize, and will take you with 
	her to all the wonderful places she is sure she will go.
	As if that weren’t enough, she is also very likely to be a skilled lover. She is attentive and 
	curious, and will want to explore every possible variant on the experience. Nothing is taboo as 
	far as she is concerned.  And, like everything else in her life, she will do whatever it takes 
	to bring pleasure to both herself and her partner. Contact Iryna from Kiev using services.
Iryna is Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd)

The Scorpio woman is intense and mysterious. From the first moment you lay eyes on her, you won’t be able to get her out of your mind. Iryna surrounds herself with secrecy and seriousness. Getting to know the Scorpio woman is a challenge all on its own – she will be impervious to your jokes, and will avoid answering any questions that she doesn’t feel are important. Of course, none of this will deter the ardent admirer, and he will certainly be rewarded for his tenacity.

Because the Scorpio woman, once Iryna is persuaded to open up to you, is an amazing companion. She is hard-working, dedicated, and tireless when trying to achieve any goal, be it yours or her own. In short, she is unstoppable, always has her eye on the prize, and will take you with her to all the wonderful places she is sure she will go.

As if that weren’t enough, she is also very likely to be a skilled lover. She is attentive and curious, and will want to explore every possible variant on the experience. Nothing is taboo as far as she is concerned. And, like everything else in her life, she will do whatever it takes to bring pleasure to both herself and her partner. Contact Iryna from Kiev using services.
Confirmed Profile
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