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I used to talk to my mates about what our idea of a perfect woman would be! Well, being in my late-30s I thought my time had passed me by and my hopes of finding that perfect lady had gone. How wrong I was.
I joined Asian Singles 2 Day with little hope of my luck changing, but the first thing I noticed was how much fun it was! I met some amazing women…

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Daniel, England

You never know what to expect from a dating site, but here you are sure to find perfect service, convenient site, and serious sincere ladies. The best of them is Liling but sorry, guys, she is taken! I'm going to visit her later this year to celebrate our first anniversary!

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Jens, Germany

What can I say?! Living in a cosmopolitan city like Melbourne, I’d met a lot of ladies from all around the world, however, I’d struggled to find my soul mate. That special person I longed to meet! That all changed about six months ago when I joined this website.
After speaking to a couple of ladies in the first few days after joining, I began talking to a beautiful woman from China. After…

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Jared, Australia

I always thought that the happiest people live in Italy. Then I met Michiko. She is a small piece of love and joy. She always asks me about my passions, my life, our national cuisine and my football passion (I am sure she never knew anything about football before). However, I love it! I wish I could see her beautiful face next to me all my life.  

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Marco, Italy

Kang is from Chang­sha where she works at a school as an En­glish teach­er. She has told us that she comes from an or­d­i­nary fam­i­ly and that her par­ents are very tra­di­tio­n­al.

Jack is from Ca­na­da and he joined the dat­ing site be­cause he likes Chi­nese cul­ture and Chi­nese ladies be­cause he be­lieves…

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Kang and Jack

Qian Qian works as a cos­met­ics sales­per­son. She is a very easy go­ing and open mind­ed girl who loves to trav­el.

Za­hir is from Viet­nam where he works as a sailor. He said he nev­er thought that he would find a girl­friend out­side of his own coun­try but it turns out life can be amaz­ing.

They got to know each other…

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Quian Quian and Zahir

My experiences with online dating websites had always been quite mixed, but AsianSingles2Day has changed all of that. It’s so easy to use and there were lots of great people to speak with.
I met Mingfeng a year ago and we haven’t looked back. It’s like it was meant to be and I have traveled to China to visit her twice, she has also been to the US to…

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Justin, USA

Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere.

Tian and Richard got to know each other through the dat­ing site at a par­ty held by the agen­cy. There were lots of other sin­gle men and wo­m­en in­vit­ed to the par­ty…

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Tian and Richard

I’m so happy that I have met someone to love, support and take care of – and be sure to receive the same in return. My dear Ling invited me to chat here on your site and rescued me from loneliness. I’ve visited her in Harbin twice already as we are deeply in love! Thank you for website and support!

Shinji, Japan

Yu Mei, 46, lives in Foshan, Guang­­dong province and runs her own cloth­ing store. The monotony of her dai­­ly work made her feel very tired but af­ter work she had no one around to be with fol­low­ing her di­vorce four years ago. Her chil­­dren worked in other ci­ties to earn mon­ey and her friends all had their own fam­i­lies to take care of. Look­ing at her friends with their…

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Richard and Yu Mei

Tim is from Amer­i­ca but both his par­ents come from Chi­na. They emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca for­ty years ago and ev­ery year they go back to vis­it Chi­na to see their rel­a­tives. Tim is now work­ing for a trad­ing com­pany and he lives and works in both and Chi­na and Amer­i­ca.

Gui orig­i­nal­ly came from Hu­nan province but she now lives in Shen­zhen where she al­so works for a trad­ing…

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Tim and Gui

I travel a lot to Asia for business. My business will likely move to Singapore at some point in the future and so it made sense to build friendships and networks on this site. I am not sure I was looking for a partner but then you often find something when you are not looking. I have not moved the HQ of my business to Singapore just yet but my wife has moved to…

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Jace, Australia

Rui is a 36-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who is gener­ous, pas­sio­nate and cheer­ful and who loves do­ing house­work. She works as a sales ma­n­ag­er for a public com­pany and ev­ery­one around her prais­es her for her abil­i­ty. But, what she want­ed more than any­thing was to be with some­one she loved and who loved her. She had on­ly ev­er been in love twice and had nev­er mar­ried. Rui felt that…

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Sam and Rui

I’ve just had my first phone conversation with Lui Chen and it was wonderful. Thank you for arranging it and thank you for bringing us together! Now I am more than sure that she is my one and only!

Samu, Finland

Xixi is from Chang­sha where she works as an En­glish teach­er for a school. She likes to try new things and be­lieves that love is amaz­ing.

Hasan is from the Philip­pines where he works as a driv­er. He says that be­­fore he met his Chi­­nese gir­l­friend, life was re­al­­ly qui­et.

They got to know each other through the dat­ing site. Hasan said he came across the site by ac­­ci­­dent and…

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Xixi and Hasan

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