Five signs that your online dating partner has serious intentions

Online dating is an amazing way of meeting people, and thousands of couples around the world have gone on to marriage and even families off the back of relationships formed online.
When you find love in the online dating world yourself, it can be an exhilarating and exciting time for both yourself and your lady. As things develop, your relationship will get stronger and your reliance on each other will probably grow as well.
But how can you tell that online dating partner has serious intentions for the relationship? If she has aspirations for something more, something more long-term, how should you spot the signs? It may be that you want the same but are too nervous to make that move in case she rejects it?
Well, help is at hand. Here are five tell-tale signs that your online dating partner has some serious intentions about moving things on further.
She keeps dropping hints or joking about something more
One sure-fire sign that your online dating partner is thinking about something much more long-term is when she repeatedly hints, or even jokes, about a long-term future together. It could be as fun and flippant as talking about growing old together or even joking about getting married – if she’s talking about a future with you in it, you best take notice of it.
Your online dating partner refers to you in the future
If you are regularly discussing things such as buying houses together in the future, moving in together or even moving to another country, it’s a pretty safe bet that she is considering you as a permanent fixture in her life.
Her ambition to have a family is never far away from conversation
Even when you’re at an early stage in an online dating relationship, discussion about hopes and dreams of raising a family can come up. However, when this becomes regular and perhaps a little more detailed about how she wants to have a family with you, then you’ve probably got a bright future together!
She wants to spend more-and-more time with you
There’s no better way of making someone feel loved and valued than spending as much time in their company or talking to them as possible. Even if your online dating relationship remains just that – online – you may find your lady is wanting to spend longer talking to you and to do so more frequently. That’s a pretty good sign that she thinks of you as a long-term partner!
Your online dating partner introduces you to her family
Finally, if she suggests that you meet her family, then you can take that as certain that she wants the relationship to become much more permanent and telling!