AsianSingles2Day Blog

Ten things that will make your Asian bride trust you more

Asian bride

Trust is a vital commodity in any relationship, and so building that trust between you and your Asian bride must be a high priority. Whenever you get into a relationship, there is a chance that your partner will have been burnt before in a previous relationship. As a result, she may not find it easy…

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What do Chinese women expect from a serious relationship?

So, you’ve met the woman of your dreams and you’re ready to take the relationship further? But what do Chinese women expect from a serious relationship? Like with any relationship, it’s always good to know what you’re getting in to when you choose to settle down with a lady. Chinese women will naturally have expectations…

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Asian dating on your smartphone: Find love wherever you are

If you’re looking to find love, then it’s likely that the smartphone in your pocket is the most useful tool you’re going to have when you enter the world of Asian dating. It wasn’t too long ago that online dating was limited to using a large desktop computer that you couldn’t really move around with…

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All you need to know about Vietnamese singles

Vietnamese singles are amongst some of the most attractive and adored single ladies in the world and men from several countries seek out companionship with them. If you are hoping to use Asian dating sites to meet Vietnamese women it is wise to have a sound understanding of what to expect before you sign up.…

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Signs that your Asian wife is happy with you

Now that you have settled down with your Asian wife, or perhaps bride-to-be, how can you recognise that she is truly happy with you? It’s natural in any relationship for you to question whether your partner is genuinely happy in the relationship with you, and whether love is blossoming. It’s no different with your Asian…

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How do Asian ladies from China celebrate March 8th?

March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day throughout the world and this annual event aims to raise consideration for the rights of women, gender inequality issues and to act as a celebration for female achievements and roles. In China, Asian brides will eagerly anticipate this event and will make plans to communicate their beliefs…

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5 ways to make your online dating easier

Online dating can be a difficult undertaking, particularly if you lack confidence, are not computer literate or simply just don’t know where to begin. There are several tools that many online dating sites offer to help streamline processes and support you in meeting your perfect woman. Be sure to check what help is offered by…

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Chinese traditions worth following when marrying a Chinese lady

When your relationship with a Chinese lady reaches the point where it needs to progress on to the next level, it may be time to get married. When you’re planning to marry your Chinese lady, which Chinese marriage traditions should you follow? China is a very traditional country and a country where the family is…

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