Online dating is no different from traditional forms of dating in so many ways, including how important the connection is between you and your date. In the early days of a relationship and particularly on the first couple of dates, couples will give a lot of attention to saying the right things. With Asian ladies,…
Dating in any form can be a challenge and as you’re getting to know the other person, you’ll be keen to make a good impression and avoid making any mistakes. When dating Asian singles, you’ll have the added pressure of overcoming language barriers, acknowledging cultural differences and making that irresistible lasting impression despite geographical challenges.…
There are few more important factors in the world of online dating than your own profile, and if you’ve left yours incomplete, you could be missing out. When you’re using online dating websites, your profile is what potential partners are going to see first. The profile will be the first impression and should tell them…
The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration that is synonymous with Chinese culture. It’s highly likely that your Chinese lady will anticipate the event with excitement. Dating back centuries, the Dragon Boat Festival attracts attention throughout the world. It offers a celebration that all nationalities can adopt. Attending the Dragon Boat Festival will be a…
Online dating is an amazing way of meeting people, and thousands of couples around the world have gone on to marriage and even families off the back of relationships formed online. When you find love in the online dating world yourself, it can be an exhilarating and exciting time for both yourself and your lady.…
Meeting ladies online is incredibly exciting, but when it comes to enjoying that first conversation online, knowing what to say can be tricky. By its very nature, the world of online dating opens up no end of possibilities in terms of the people you can meet. Different ages, nationalities, interests, and personalities. But one common…
As a Western man who is looking to find the love of his life, you may be faced with a number of concerns about online dating sites. It’s also likely that you’ll meet the worries and cautions of several of your friends if you suggest that you’re looking to find love with Asian women through…
Celebrating Mother’s Day in China is a big deal. It’s the perfect time for Asian ladies to show their mums just how much they love them. Respecting your elders is something that has always been very highly regarded in China. It’s a principal part of your upbringing, and so Mother’s Day is an opportunity to…
Online dating requires members to invest a great deal in order to enjoy the greatest success and arguably one of the most common concerns that people have when using online dating sites is trust. Ultimately, when trying to find love online, people sign up to an online dating site and attempt to build relationships with…
Meeting people in the digital world is now the norm, and it’s also incredibly exciting. But what happens when it’s time to take that relationship with your online date into a more traditional direction?We are of course talking about that all-important first telephone call. Knowing what to say when you first speak to your online…