The Qixi Festival is a traditional celebration that your Chinese girlfriend will love to celebrate with you. It always helps with festivals and celebrations when there is a romantic angle to them. This is the case with Qixi Festival, which celebrates the ancient mythology of the cowherd and the weaver girl. It’s the legend of…
If you’re talking to beautiful Asian singles, you would probably benefit from knowing what they want from relationships. Sometimes in life, you need to do a little research or groundwork to make things truly work. While there are lots of beautiful Asian singles out there waiting to meet their perfect men, you can increase your…
Online dating is now the most popular way for people to meet new partners and begin new relationships. Many relationships, marriages and even families around the world have been started on the back of an online dating relationship. But, if you’re new to online dating or just finding it hard to find your perfect lady,…
When you sign-up to start online dating, you will be doing so with an end goal. It could be anything from a long-term romance to something more short-term or purely friendship based. Whatever the reason for you joining a dating website, you will need to make sure that you’re getting what you want out of…
When you find a special girl online who you really get along with, it can be a truly exciting time, but how do you turn the flirting into an actual online dating relationship? The early days in any relationship can be among the most enjoyable and exciting as you get to know one and other…
There are many holidays and events around the year which should be celebrated with your Chinese lady, and World Kissing Day is almost certainly one of those. It takes place on Saturday 6th July in 2019 and is the perfect day on which to spend some time with that special Chinese lady in your life.…
Online dating is no different from traditional forms of dating in so many ways, including how important the connection is between you and your date. In the early days of a relationship and particularly on the first couple of dates, couples will give a lot of attention to saying the right things. With Asian ladies,…
Dating in any form can be a challenge and as you’re getting to know the other person, you’ll be keen to make a good impression and avoid making any mistakes. When dating Asian singles, you’ll have the added pressure of overcoming language barriers, acknowledging cultural differences and making that irresistible lasting impression despite geographical challenges.…
There are few more important factors in the world of online dating than your own profile, and if you’ve left yours incomplete, you could be missing out. When you’re using online dating websites, your profile is what potential partners are going to see first. The profile will be the first impression and should tell them…
The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration that is synonymous with Chinese culture. It’s highly likely that your Chinese lady will anticipate the event with excitement. Dating back centuries, the Dragon Boat Festival attracts attention throughout the world. It offers a celebration that all nationalities can adopt. Attending the Dragon Boat Festival will be a…