Chinese restaurant etiquette: how to impress Asian women

Heading out for a romantic meal is one of the best ways of impressing Asian women, but once you have selected a nice restaurant, you need to make sure you know what your lady will expect.
Like everywhere else in the world, there are some simple etiquette rules that apply at Chinese restaurants. Simply by making sure you follow these rules, you can be confident that your mission of impressing Asian women will be off to a great start.
So, ahead of your next romantic date, here are some of the Chinese restaurant etiquette rules which will be vital for helping to you impress Asian women.
Arrive on time
Let’s start with arguably the simplest rule of all; arriving on time. Whether you’re travelling to the restaurant with your Asian woman or meeting her there, you must always be careful to arrive on time. Punctuality is pretty important in any culture, especially when you’re trying to impress a woman, and China is no different.
The ‘host’ should decide on the order
In traditional Chinese dining, the host would usually order the food. In the case of dating Asian women, men may still fulfil this role, although maybe play it by ear. Ask your lady if she wishes to use that traditional custom. If she is happy to, then if she wishes to sample anything from the menu then you should choose the most expensive dish of that type.
Rinse your dish and chopsticks in tea
You may notice that in the vast majority of Chinese restaurants there is a cup, bowl, small saucer together with some chopsticks. It’s traditional to rinse your bowl and chopsticks in tea (or water, at least) to cleanse them before eating.
Do not eat until Asian women have started eating
It is against Chinese etiquette to begin eating before your guest of honour. In the case of a date, the Asian women will be your date, so make sure she has started to eat her food before you begin to eat yours.
Careful with your chopsticks!
You should always try to eat your food with chopsticks. Even if it’s really tough, ask for some help. Asian women will love that you’re at least trying. Also, do not point your chopsticks at anybody as this is considered rude. Placing them vertically is considered a bad omen and playing with excessively is considered rude.