10 rules of the relationship with your Chinese woman

Meeting the Chinese woman of your dreams can be an exhilarating experience and can lead to a long and happy life together. To ensure that your relationship blossoms, always be respectful of her culture and make sure you treat her with respect.
To make this easier, here are ten rules for a successful relationship with a Chinese woman.

1. Communicate
In China, having strong communication in a relationship is expected and it is common for partners to speak throughout the day. This could mean you exchange regular text messages with your Chinese woman and also call her a couple of times during the day. Don’t be surprised if your partner texts several times in the morning alone. It’s how dating is done in China.
2. Be the decision maker
A Chinese woman will expect her man to be the decision maker in the relationship. Again, this is tradition in her homeland, and so when going out on a date have a very clear plan of where you will go, and what you will do. If your partner does present ideas to you, then you should respect them of course, but always be ready to make those key decisions.
3. Intimacy is a sign your Chinese woman is serious
Traditionally in China, being intimate before marriage is highly uncommon. However, in urbanised areas of the country, this is changing. Either way, if you are intimate with your Chinese woman while dating, you can rest assured that she sees your relationship as a serious one.
4. Marriage is quick
Tied in with the above rule, it’s good to know that in China, marriage is very much the aim. A Chinese woman will have a strong emphasis on marriage, and if you’re intimate while dating, then your partner will most definitely consider marriage to be on the cards.
5. Promote your own credentials
A Chinese woman will likely be more attracted to men that have a solid background. By this, we mean that he will have a job, a house and a car.
6. She may not be alone
As is tradition in China, on dates a Chinese woman will often bring a friend with her, certainly to the first few meetings with a man. This is a reassurance thing and a buffer while she gets to know the man well. So, do not take it as any sort of insult of your lady brings a friend with her.
7. Words mean a lot
While talk has become a little cheap in the Western world, this is certainly not the case in China. If your Chinese woman tells you that she loves, misses or really likes you, consider this to be a real statement of her admiration for you. Chinese women do not use this language lightly.
8. Make your intentions clear
This is an incredibly important rule when in a relationship with a Chinese woman. If you are serious about a long-term relationship with the potential for marriage, your partner should know this. Perhaps more importantly, if you’re only after a casual relationship with physical intimacy, you have to make this clear early on. One-night stands are rare with many Chinese women, so make sure they know what you have in mind from an early stage.
9. If her parents know about you, it’s serious
If your Chinese woman has told her parents about you, then you can be certain that she sees your relationship as very serious.
10. Meeting the parents suggests marriage is imminent
A Chinese woman will only introduce a man to her parents if marriage is on the cards. Therefore, if you do not see your relationship heading towards engagement, you should avoid meeting her parents.